
Complete Bug Bounty Masterclass Course


You don't have to have any hacking information.
Working System: Windows/Linux.
Fundamental information on Computers
Rest everything leave it to us, we will take you from beginner to a specialist WHITE HAT Hacker!


Bug abundance chasing is the recently arising and moving part in network safety that permits freehand security experts to survey the application and stage security of an association in vision to recognize bugs or weaknesses. With a free hand to morally hack and pentesting applications created by the in-house labor force of the associations, bug abundance trackers are generally generously compensated to find and report security bugs.

As indicated by HackerOne,

  • The programmer network almost multiplied a year ago to more than 600,000 and keeps on developing around the world
  • 78% of programmers utilized their hacking experience to help them discover or better go after a lifelong chance.
  • Programmers acquired around $40 million in bounties in 2019 alone, and $82 million aggregately.
This broad preparing and network protection course from WE SECURE Training sharpens the security aptitudes of moral programmers and infiltration analyzers forcefully. This bug chasing course administers excellent hostile security abilities to the wannabes while delineating demonstrated approachs of finding and revealing possible weaknesses in the product applications and stage. This security preparing basically exhibits every idiot proof instrument and practices to morally break the sites and applications security and gain bounties as remunerations.

This course members pick up a serious edge in:
  • Comprehend the center ideas of bug abundance chasing and entrance testing
  • Online protection in reality
  • Bug abundance chasing and OWASP basics
  • Utilizing detached data gathering instruments
  • Utilizing SQL infusion to hack information bases and recover secret data
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) for pentesting web applications
  • Web hacking with burp suite
  • Executing Linux orders
  • Finding record consideration and document transfer bugs
  • Performing cross-site demand falsification (CSRF)
  • Worker side Request Forgery(SSRF) strategies)

Entrance Testing these days is utilized as a typical and supported cycle to investigate the security frameworks and projects of an association. It runs corresponding with security judgment, red joining, interruption testing, and weakness. Here are sure significant focuses that will assist you with understanding moral hacking and its need.

  • A bug abundance tracker generally will in general assume the part of a security master while hacking a PC framework.
  • Entrance Testing follows the rules of safe hacking for the productive working of the framework. This is a mind boggling strategy henceforth a bug abundance tracker requires extraordinary aptitudes.
  • Entrance Testing proves to be useful in corporate areas and associations, to battle against unlawful acts of penetrating frameworks and to make preparatory moves against programmers.
  • Entrance Testing is valuable here as it assists with revealing these infection assaults against frameworks and furthermore, loans elevated level security.
  • The principle target of Penetration Testing is to guarantee security in remote foundation which establishes the greater part of the current business organizations' points.
  • Entrance Testing has the advantage of social occasion admittance to an's organization and data framework. This consequently gives security to scholarly assaults and dangers like infections. Infiltration Testing, thus, winds up additionally testing the security levels of the projects and programming.


The ideal response to this inquiry would be - Have a glance at our educational plan. BUG BOUNTY - WEB APPLICATION PENETRATION TESTING BOOTCAMP. In this course, we have covered from the nuts and bolts of moral hacking straight up to cutting edge ideas, for example, web application infiltration testing, malware investigation, XSS, CSRF, and so forth Indeed, we have begun directly from the meaning of Penetration Testing.

View the couple of highlights of our course.

  • Handpicked educational plan, uncommonly intended for all degrees of students.
  • Persistent evaluation through testing tests.
  • Get your inquiries replied inside 48 hours.
  • An assortment of assets, for example, valuable connections, books, PDFs are additionally given.
  • Ordinary updates are made to the educational plan.
  • Various parts of Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security are investigated.
  • Practicals with clarifications included.
  • Feedback's are always welcome :)


This course isn't proposed for a particular gathering of individuals. Any individual who needs to bring in cash from bug abundance, moral hacking, and network safety can join up with this course. In the event that you definitely know a couple of ideas, you can generally return to the thoughts and explain them. So, this is an ideal course for you in the event that you need to launch your vocation in network protection!

Since the convolution of security dangers have increased, the necessity for abundance trackers and their hugeness across the world is quickly duplicating. Receiving a determined methodology and standpoint towards security can help associations shield their standing adequately. All things considered, That's it, parents! Take on this course and begin adapting now!

Who this course is for

  • The individuals who are searching for an ideal beginning in Ethical Hacking Career
  • The individuals who need to hack and bring in cash from bounties
  • Seek after vocations like CEH, ECSA, OSCP, CCNA, PWK, and so forth
  • The individuals who need to turn into a SECURITY EXPERT
  • Anyone keen on turning into a bug abundance tracker.
  • Web designers so they can make secure web application and secure their current ones.

Link of Course:

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